So, you may not know this about me- as we’re not close personal friends, but I always pull for the underdog, call it a character flaw if you will. As such, I LOVE bullies. All bullies, frenchies, english, american, pits, mutts, I love them all. I think they are the sweetness, the nectar from which all dog love is sprung. They are such versatile dogs, and so expressive. How can you say no to this face?




I mean have you ever seen a smile like a bully smile??

or a sideways smirk, that melts your heart in all the right places?

They’re great alone….

or in pairs…

They’re known for their napping skills..

And despite their fierce reputation- they are the best for snuggles…

But its their antics….

Their ability to keep secrets….

and yet still look like they’re about to drop the best mixtape of 2017-

they win my heart over. The way their faces express trust and love gets me every single time.




We, as always, are advocates for adoption over breed shopping. We wanted to highlight the most overlooked breed family in shelters, bullies. Fiercely loyal, and sweet as the day is long- they don’t deserve the reputation which has been assigned to them. I am the proud owner of a rescued Husky Pit bull (Pitsky) (she’s in this post!) , and she is an absolute cuddle monster. I couldn’t ask for a better girl to have rescued.


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 With Ruff,

Pet Treater Team

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