Welcome to Pet Treater Dog Horoscopes! These are based on your dog’s birthday or adoption date, whichever you know! Enjoy

Capricorn Dogs:

Dec 23 – Jan 20


As a leader, you will maintain your alpha dog placement at the dog park, but more than normal amounts of slobber could be a turn off and reduce your number of overall pets. 


Aquarius Dogs:  

Jan 20 – Feb 18

You may find that a certain toy comes between you and a certain dog friend of yours this month. Just remember, what comes around, goes around, so keep the growling to a minimum. 

Pisces Dogs:

Feb 18 – Mar 20

Emotions run high with another of your same breed.Sometimes what you see in other dogs are the exact things you can work on, so perhaps tone down the playful humps and go more for the face lick. 

Aires Dogs:

Mar 20 – Apr 20

Your desire to be seen is known among your pack. However, you may not feel like being front and center this month. Don’t feel bad if you want to snuggle down on your bed alone. Take that time to recharge your tail for even more tail wags next month. 

Taurus Dogs:

Apr 20 – May 21

Recent happenings in the neighborhood have left you feeling fired up about community awareness of keeping the water bowls filled at the dog park. Stand up and bark your piece about helping your fellow dog beat this summer heat! 

Gemini Dogs:

May 21 – Jun 21

You may find that you have an overwhelming desire to dig this month.  Pouncing after squirrels around the garden will give you the sense of purpose you need while also helping you resist the urge to get dirt under your nails. 


Cancer Dogs:

Jun 21 – Jul 23

You make a new friend this month that will be in your life for a long time! This puts you at ease, and you do not raise your leg to mark that sofa that you would normally love to leave a scent on. 

Leo Dogs:

Jul 23 – Aug 23

The emotional overwhelm you were feeling about your “shedding problem,” as your owner called it, has subsided now that your winter coat is long gone. You feel a little lighter and more playful this month! 

Virgo Dogs:

Aug 23 – Sep 23

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, some say, but you have your opinions. This month you take extra care in making the perfect den in the covers on the bed and picking the perfect spot for your morning poop. It makes a difference to you, and that is all that matters! 

Libra Dogs:

Sep 23 – Oct 23

This month you may feel an overall increase in happiness! This will result in more naps, more loving on your owner and that results in more treats, which is really your secret plan.  Happiness= treats! Your secret formula for this month. 

Scorpio Dogs:

Oct 23 – Nov 22

Your paws may get stepped on this month… a couple times. But, you will not hold a grudge (because you are a dog).

Sagitarius Dogs:

Nov 22 – Dec 22

You will be faced with big decisions this month about napping on the bed or by the front door. Let your tail and its wags guide you to the right choice.


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 With Ruff,

Pet Treater Team

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