Our four-legged family members are some of the best friends we have.……
We really need to make sure we spend that quality time with them now and always! This bucket list you create has nothing to do with anything sad-it is for Living NOW! You can make a bucket list every year to do with your sweet fur baby–make fun plans…..some only seem to do these lists as their fur babies get older….we say here at Pet Treater do it THROUGHOUT their life! Make their time with you count, every day!

The List should be simple and achievable:
-Where do you like to go that you feel your fur baby can go too? Rent an Airbnb on an exotic island? To the beach, to the mountains, tallyho…..
-We here at Pet Treater are surrounded by the Smoky Mountains and we are beyond thankful for that, as such we have the luxury of probably always having that on our bucket list!

-Can we say dress them up for a night on the town? Get creative and make it count. Memories are worth more than you realize–and for Pete’s sake, take PICTURES!
-Get your neighborhood and community involved and let everyone join in on the “living bucket list” fun; maybe they can do it with their fur babies too!
We will not give away too many ideas, as we want YOU to tell us yours! Join us on Instagram and be on the lookout for our “Living Bucket List” post and be ready to share your TOP 5 Bucket List ideas! Two winners will be randomly selected to win some amazing goodies! (May 2020)
We know this, it is healthy to spend time with your pets, as they make YOU live longer too! So live it up, laugh it up and fill it up…..the BUCKET list that is.
Remember, Pet Treater is always looking to treat you. Not part of our pack yet or you know someone that would love it? We have 50% off your FIRST month with a subscription going on RIGHT now (does not work on TRY IT OUT).

FIRST month of any cat or dog subscription!
With many purrs and barks,