‘Tis the season to share and give even more than we normally would. We at Pet Treater value the lives of pets to the fullest extent, all animals in general to be truthful! That is why we looked at some ways we could spare some change, to make a change and change a life!

ChangeUp for Charity, is one I just downloaded to see what it was all about. Well, it is about some good stuff from what I see. They can link to over 2,000 different financial institutions and it will allow me to give my “spare change” to several different organizations at a time.
You can do the round-up method and give that change to your charity of choice. The neat thing is they have over 850,000 charities in their database and they are vetted; meaning ones that are agenda driven for non-charitable situations are not included.
So what does this all mean? It means SIGN-UP, if not for this one, another one and change the life of a pet in need, or another designation that your heart draws you to. The fees don’t directly go to you on most it seems, although it would be nice to absorb it if you wanted to save your organization from it. Check the fine-print on the credit card fees.
It has an easy to install app and the first $1 is on them.
GiveTide is another similar platform with a downloadable app that will make your spare change go a long way. Check them out too and see if they would work for you! There are several more out there. I looked for lowest fees for the organization too and also ones with free downloadable apps.
Disclaimer: Pet Treater is NOT affiliated with the organizations mentioned here nor are we endorsing them specifically. But we looked at a few worthwhile apps that seem to offer convenience and give reassurance that a “little does go a LONG way” and we wanted to share with you. Please read all the info prior to signing up to any apps or programs!
Everyone has a heart for something and this time of year and throughout the year, we encourage you to make a gift that really makes a difference.
We are thankful for all our Pet Treater fans and subscribers, you really make our days that much better. We are super thankful for all the fur babies out there and want to save every one of them!
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Many purrs and barks,