According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) 1-out-of-4 more pets would survive, if just one pet first aid technique was applied prior to getting emergency veterinary care. Learn how you can help your pet in an emergency.
The First Aid Basics:
**Always consult a professional First Aid/CPR Animal Certified instructor to assure proper procedures**
- Make sure you have a First Aid Pet kit for your animal, Diatonic Designs, LLC has an amazing kit prepared with your pet in mind and YOU the PET parent too! From emergency blankets to band-aids to ointments safe for your fur baby!
- Stocked with over 42 items in it–we LOVE it in our home, great for travel too!
- Poisoning & Exposure to Toxins: rule of thumb if it is harmful to you it is more thank likely harmful to your pet. If they get exposed to these hazards, read the label and do what you would for your “hoomans”– wash your pet’s skin with soap and water (don’t get any into its eyes, mouth or nose).
- Call your Vet or local emergency vet clinic
- Animal Poison Control Center hotline (888.426.4435 – available 365 days/year, 24 hours/day) immediately. There is a fee for the consultation. (Have this info posted on your fridge!)
- Seizures: keep your pet away from any objects (including furniture) that might hurt it.
- Do not try to restrain the pet.
- Time the seizure (they usually last 2-3 minutes).
- After the seizure has stopped, keep your pet as warm and quiet as possible and contact your veterinarian.
There are many other emergency First Aid procedures that a pet parent should learn and educate themselves about: fractures, burns, bleeding (internal/external), choking, heatstroke, shock, etc. We recommend taking a First Aid Class, a Google search in your area should easily find you reputable ones.
Courtesy of a verified source ProCPR
CPR (Strongly varies based on SIZE and Weight and Breed of pet):
- What to do if your pet is not breathing: STAY CALM – have someone call vet if they are able for you
- Check to see if your pet is unconscious.
- Open your pet’s airway by gently grasping its tongue and pulling it forward (out of the mouth) until it is flat.
- Start rescue breathing by closing your pet’s mouth (hold it closed with your hand) and breathing with your mouth directly into its nose until you see the animal’s chest expand. Once the chest expands, continue the rescue breathing once every 4 or 5 seconds.
- Again, we STRONGLY recommend you take a Certified CPR class for pets and for hoomans too! Many local agencies like the Red Cross combine both.
Ready – Pets – Go!
- Making a Pet Preparedness Plan: You should have a plan in place for the entire family about preparedness tips, tricks, and resources. Visit Make a Plan for help getting started on making a plan for the ENTIRE family!
- Evacuation escape routes for your house and a secure place to meet
- Have emergency bags packed and ready to go, including your PET bag essentials to include food, medicine, leash, blanket, treats and the first aid kit
- Have phone numbers at the ready on your phone and on the fridge to grab/utilize
60% off all American Homes do NOT have an Emergency Preparedness Plan ready–Do NOT be one of those, and remember YOUR fur baby is an important part of that planning!
Again, always consult a professional First Aid/CPR trainer or Veterinarian to ensure safe and proper procedures and preventative measures are utilized.
Pet Treater tries to give important insight for our pet families that benefit the pets and their loved ones. We appreciate all of you. Not yet part of the Pet Treater Pack, visit us at Pet Treater and see what we are all about–plans starting as low as $15 per month!
With many purrs and paws,