More than mere words can express:
Memorial Day means more to me than just mere words; many in my family gave their lives for our country, many I never even got the chance to meet.
It seems words are not enough to give the respect and admiration these men and women of the military so deserve….but as always, we at Pet Treater love to give back, so this time words with RESPECT is what we have to share with you!

We remember the beginning:
Originally known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day become an official Federal holiday in 1971, but it was definitely a long road to get to that point.
The history goes that Memorial Day, as we now call it, was celebrated soon after the Civil War on May 30th of each year. The Civil War, which ended in the spring of 1865, claimed more lives than any conflict in U.S. history and required the establishment of the country’s first national cemeteries. So, originally this day of remembrance was started to honor the Union and Confederate dead.
Memorial Day, as we know it, is the last Monday in May every year and continues to be a day that we honor those fallen soldiers for their unselfish sacrifice to protect our country!

Did You Know?
That each year on Memorial Day a national moment of remembrance occurs at 3:00 pm local time.
While there is much debate as to where it actually began, state wise that is, with many cities and states trying to own that origination; President Lyndon Johnson signed legislation, passed by the U.S. Congress, declaring the tiny upstate village of Waterloo, New York, the “official” birthplace of Memorial Day.
Why the Red Poppies?
The wearing of poppies in honor of America’s war dead is traditionally done on Memorial Day. In war-torn battlefields, the red field poppy was one of the first plants to grow. In Flanders Fields is an amazing poem written about how the red poppies grow even under duress!
The American Legion Family has designated a National Poppy Day which is MAY 24th. Take a look at the amazing history and why and how it all began: National Poppy Day.
Memorial Day will continue to be a day of honor for the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military and around the world. It is a time to give “official” thanks for those that paved the way so we may prosper and better our country-many adorn the cemeteries with flags, red poppies, poems, and tears! It is a time to remember and hopefully not forget the struggles our country and the world went through to get to today.
The American flag should be hung at half-staff until noon on Memorial Day, then raised to the top of the staff.
As Always With Many Paws and RESPECT,