“the STOP, Paws & Read CORNER”–Honest Paws’ CBD Oil and Treats: Beyond the Woof and Wag

With Guest Poster, Hermes Maldonado, from Honest Paws Pet Treater loves to learn and share: treats, of course, and ANYTHING that adds value for our pet babies–the STOP, Paws & Read CORNER gives regular info, tidbits on partnerships or health info, Pet Treater events, insight to special savings and deals, Read more…

Helping Hands that Go the Extra Mile! Education that travels thousands of miles every year…..for FREE

“Be kind to every kind, not just mankind.”

Anthony Douglas Williams

The NHES, Who They Are:

It is fair to say that if you are reading this, you adore your precious pets—whether four-legged, winged, or in a fish tank to mention a few!  We adore our pets too and yours to be exact, which is why we do what we do here at Pet Treater and why the NHES does what they do—daily! 


Stressed Out or Fearful Pup? Aromatherapy Solutions for Dogs  

Dogs’ sense of smell reaches far beyond our olfactory abilities as humans. According to the informative article by NOVA, dogs’ sense of smell is between 10,000 to 100,000 times as acute as ours. Having up to 300 million olfactory receptors and independently wiggling nostrils, along with a special organ (vemeronasal Read more…

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