Pet Treater always looks to help and take care of sweet fur babies. In fact, the entire mindset behind Pet Treater was to spoil and love on our sweet dogs and cats and help their humans with convenience and quality straight to the door step. But, we strive to go even further, to bring joy to all who receives Pet Treater and to maybe even provide those final months of sweet delights.
We often work with Brown Dog Foundation, an amazing organization that is bridging the gap between the cost of medical care and saving the family pet. We had a request to help spoil some sweet pets via a gift from Brown Dog Foundation’s founder, Carol Smock. We felt honored to be able to offer fun and sweet toys for them, unsure how long they would be with us, we just knew this was a great way to share the love. We were thankful that Carol allowed us to provide this for them and their “hoomans”.
We have been following the family ever since we heard of their needs. We got word that after several months of some struggle that both Daisy and Claymore have passed. Their humans, Buzz and Beth, shared the story with us, and since we were part of the last months of their journey, we wanted to let all our amazing fans and customers know the greatness it is to love a pet and have them love on you, 100% with no strings attached. We have such great love for our pets, but to them we are their world……….

How Pet Treater came to these two amazing dogs (October 2020) From the hearts of Buzz and Beth…….
“On October 15 (2020), we took Claymore to the vet for yet another severe bout of “boxer belly.” An x-ray to check his belly unexpectedly revealed a large tumor in one of his lungs. While that was not what was causing the GI symptoms, it is a devastating diagnosis.
On October 29, after months of coughing (and once refusing x-rays because her lungs and heart sounded good in her exam), we took Daisy in and also got a diagnosis of masses, appearing to be advanced cancer, in her lungs.
These two make up the most bonded pair I can imagine. If there is any (pseudo)humor in this devastating double-diagnosis exactly two weeks apart in the craziest year on record, it is almost poetic that their bond extends to tragedy. Both pups are doing as well as can be expected. We are giving them palliative care as long as we can keep them comfortable and happy. (Their personalities are still fully intact as Claymore is majorly milking this and Daisy continues to stick to her routine.)
Our hearts are broken…but still full. We are so thankful these pups found us, both rescues from Boxer Aid & Rescue Coalition.
A dear friend I met years ago through our “animal efforts” made arrangements with Pet Treater for some gifts to come to our house. Both dogs (even before the cancer) had very sensitive bellies and are on prescription food. So they cannot have edible treats. So Carol was able to work it to where only toys were sent. Also, sadly, they may have less than 6 months left, so she arranged to have a box sent every week for 6 weeks vs. every month for 6 months. We got our first box last week and I saw life in these dogs I haven’t seen for weeks. They played and each latched on to a toy for themselves and have been playing and cuddling with them all week. It warms my heart! They got their second box today and were excited to get some new toys. Our family is so grateful for Pet Treater and a great friend to help us get through this sad time”. – @yesitsjustbeth

A sweet and sad passing but we are thankful to have been a part of it all……a message From Carol Smock (Brown Dog Foundation) and Beth and Buzz:
“So, today, Buzz and Beth had to let Claymore go and on Saturday at 4pm, they let Daisy go. I wanted to share the stories of their passing with you because this journey somewhat involved you (Pet Treater) and I just think they are sweet commentaries – a little heart wrenching, but sweet in that these two dogs were so bonded they weren’t apart for more than 48 hours!
Keep Beth, Buzz and Kait in your prayers and heart going forward. They are hurting. They do have two cats at home, but the house will be quiet without two big doggos…” —Carol Smock
Saturday, March 6 (Buzz and Beth):
“The hospice Vet is coming at 4. Daisy collapsed a little bit ago and we can’t let go through that again. I know Claymore won’t be far behind. He’s not doing well, but is “okay” today. I really don’t feel like I have the strength for this. Daisy won’t leave my side. I can’t even move without her moving with me. She’s never particularly clingy. She’s actually resting right now – more peacefully than she has in months. I hope she is ready. I wish I could keep her here with me forever. She’s on my right foot and Claymore is on my left arm. Claymore is her everything. So I know this is not going to go well for him.
When she got the sedative shot, she sat up and licked his face. Then he laid down. And she put her head on him. She died resting on him. Stayed with her a few minutes after she passed. Then got up and walked away. Claymore stayed cuddled with her until the very end. Wouldn’t move for a while to be beside her even after she was gone. Then he came to me. Then he ate some bread. I’m so sad. But I feel almost selfish because I feel a little relief not having to see her struggle to breathe or walk any more. She was my very best girl. I’m so lucky she shared her whole life with me. I hope I did right by her all the way.
That night, he (Claymore) laid in the floor where she passed.
We are at the vet now. His abdomen is full of fluid. I don’t know what to do. He’s so uncomfortable. They say they can drain it and maybe give him a few more days. But I don’t know what’s right to do for him. I feel like I can’t even breathe. They think it’s just the large lung mass pushing on everything. He doesn’t even look like he sees me most of the time. Sometimes he does. But he’s also medicated. He hasn’t been himself in weeks.
Two weeks ago we actually thought he might go before Daisy. I know this is never going to get better. He has a mass covering one entire lung. Spinal disease. Inflammatory bowel disease. Poor guy. I love him so much. The hospice vet asked for some additional info on the fluid from the abdomen. They have run that—and this Dr. left the other Dr. a message because she was at a home appt. They are going to talk again when she is done and then we will hopefully figure out a plan.
He’s resting very peacefully next to me now. We are draining the fluid to help him be more comfortable. They say the fluid will come back fast. Will probably let him go tonight or tomorrow. I don’t know how to handle this.
We are going to let him go here at the vet. He collapsed. We are going to take him outside. I think claymore is already half gone. He’s alert in that he opens his eyes for noises. But he’s very distant. My heart is literally broken.”–Buzz and Beth
“Thank you for helping me make their last few months pleasurable. Thank you for creating such a beautiful brand (Pet Treater)! I love you my friend!!!!”
While a very sad time for all involved, we love to hear sweet stories of the love between humans and their amazing fur babies. We are thankful to be surrounded by organizations and people that value their pets and realize that they give their all to us, every day, without fail! We are honored to be able to help people love even more on their fur babies!
While Pet Treater loves to treat just for the sake of doing so, we are touched to know that “these treats and toys” can truly make a difference for a furmily!
We thank Carol Smock and Buzz and Beth for letting us share their tender and personal thoughts with you, our “pet pack” of amazing people and fur babies!
Remember to love on those fur babies, every day!
With many purrs and barks,