SEPTEMBER is National Service Dog Month. This month is dedicated to raising awareness and showing appreciation for the work of service dogs.
I often wonder if many people realize exactly how much our service animals help us, even sweet kitties and other animals. There are many ailments that we as humans suffer with, and many of them are internal and not something others can necessarily see. It is a gift to have animals that can sense things in us before we do.
For instance, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Most people think that PTSD occurs only to those who have served in the armed forces. Actually, it’s a condition that impacts people who have experienced a variety of traumatic events that include military service, sexual assault, accidents, natural disasters, and abuse. Of course not everyone that experiences these traumas will live and experience PTSD, but for many it is a way of life, inclusive of terrifying dreams that plague their waking hours too.
Service animals are amazing companions that help lessen anxiety, that help with hearing loss and vision loss, they are confidence builders, protectors, and the list goes on! We should never take them for granted and we need to understand how things work with them and why they are so crucial to millions of humans.
September is designated as the month to thank these heroes, of course we thank our pets daily for the love, but it is amazing to have a month dedicated to their service and all they do for us! Remember: Service dogs save lives.
There are many things we did not know specifically about service dogs, and we researched to find a few of those for you:
- Service Dogs Come In Multiple Varieties: Allergy Alert Dogs, Autism Assistance Dogs, Hearing Dogs, Diabetic Alert Dogs, Seizure Alert Dogs, Wheelchair Assistance Dogs, Psychiatric Service Dogs, Medical Assistance/Alert/Response Dogs, Brace and Mobility Support Dogs, Visual Assistance Dogs, Seizure Assistance/Response Dogs, Guide Dogs, and many more
- Service Dogs Aren’t Allowed “Everywhere”: The person has the right to not be discriminated against based on the fact they have a Service Dog. However, having a Service Dog does not grant a handler access to places where members of the public aren’t allowed. Their handler, who must have a disability, can have “places of public accommodation” with their Service Dog, this is not an exemption for the dog, but rather the handler.
- Service Dog Handlers Can Only Be Asked Two Questions: employees or person in charge may only ask two questions of the team (the handler and the service dog): 1) Is the animal required because of a disability? 2) What work or tasks has the dog been trained to perform?
- Service Dogs Aren’t Required To Wear Gear: Vests, harnesses and jackets are very commonly seen on working Service Dog teams, but by law, the dog isn’t required to wear anything in order to work in public.
- Service Dogs Aren’t Required To Have “Paperwork”: A Service Dog team does not have to provide proof of Service Dog status. There is no required documentation, registration, certification or paperwork required in order for a dog to be a Service Dog, behavior and training often can dictate the “certification” of this amazing animal!
Share America is a great resource site with all things service dogs for reference, this site helps give insight into rules and regulations within the world of service animals and offers education, raising awareness, and more support to not only the handler, but the service animal too!
Pet Treater is beyond thankful for our service animals and we still love to treat the furmily! So if you have not subscribed yet, or you have a friend that just needs Pet Treater, sign them up for a gift or a sub for yourself!
USE CODE: WILDSIDE to receive 50% off the FIRST month of ANY SUBSCRIPTION, does not work on TRY IT OUT NOW options.

Many Purrs and Barks,