Looking for a way to help save a life? For the price of a cup of coffee?Psst…we have a way:

It is no surprise that Pet Treater looks to partner with organizations that give back to pets, for all the love they give us!  We believe in giving back, as this often leads to paying it forward to others that need help.  Join Pet Treater and the BigPayBack May 2, 2019 as we help raise awareness and money for Brown Dog Foundation, a non-profit that definitely pays it forward, learn how you can help…..

Brown Dog Foundation, Continues Their Work….

Brown Dog Foundation has been giving back to pets and their families for over 12 years and they show no sign of stopping.  They continue “ bridging the gap between the cost of medical care and saving the family pet.”  This foundation needs all the support they can get to keep these pets cared for!

What can you and Pet Treater do?

Pet Treater is and will continue to be an avid supporter of this life-saving organization.  While Brown Dog Foundation can not help every single pet, due to funding available, they look to save and help as many as feasibly possible.  With your donation of $5.00, honestly the cost of a Frappuccino or other gourmet coffee, you can truly help their mission continue.

Join Pet Treater as we help bridge the gap and give hope to pet parents that have to face major decisions.  We will match, dollar for dollar, up to $500.00 of the donations made, and we think that is a pretty pawesome deal! 

In a world that is often so busy, we need easy and simple ways to run our life. So how about you let us make it simple and easy for you: so on May 2, 2019 just click, give and then share with your friends and family to continue the giving

Remember, pet owners have so much going on during the day to keep them going, and the pets only have us—so help Pet Treater and Brown Dog Foundation pay it forward, to all those wonderful pets and pet families in need!

Click here for more info on Brown Dog Foundation. See why Pet Treater supports this amazing foundation every day of the year! Join us for our upcoming Facebook Auction in June showing our continued support, more details to come on that!

With many Paws,

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