Funny Books Written By cats: Win a FREE copy Below
Cats are not just animals! They are valuable members of our families and really do deserve the love and affection we give them. Having said that, cats do some very interesting things. As a cat lover, you know the wrap that cats get. The mischievous creatures who pounce about after dark, scratching the couch, peeing outside the litter box but also snuggling, making biscuits and purring while getting special treats. The funny thing is, deep down, all of these things bring us joy as fur parents. It is true that as parents to these beautiful animals, we sometimes look past the weird and obnoxious things they do because of all the love they bring. The truth is, when you say some of these behaviors out loud, you really begin to fully realize just how funny and weird cats really are. And that is EXACTLY why you love them!
“I’m Not Sorry, Poems by Cats” is a newly released book by Rosa Silva, from Portugal, the sunny European country that many of us would think of as heaven on earth, Rosa is a librarian by day and a writer by night. She is shy and doesn’t share her inner life with many people. Her cat, Mr. Cat, or “Senhor Gato,” is a friend, companion and family member. “I always wanted to be a writer,” Rosa states in an interview, “even as a small child. I wrote several short stories that won prizes, but after college, I started working and life kind of got in the way of my writing.” Rosa then decided to start her blog, Cat Lady Confidential, as an outlet for her writing. What she realized was, there are many cat lovers just like her out there. The blog is a compilation of information and gift items for cat lovers as well as stories, book reviews and more.
After getting traction on her blog, Rosa wrote the book “Stop Meowing and Go The F*ck to Sleep.” Now her second book is published and available for purchase. “This book is a compilation of poems that celebrate the daily behavior of cats, the funny places you find them drinking water, the scratching of the couch, the funny things they do after using the litter box and more,” Rosa explains. This book is a must have for all cat owners.
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